module, like the art module, includes an open call, too. Plug in
with your concept of workshops, presentations, interactive
additions, changes, details:
The program consists of an art exhibition (see
an introduction workshop, several 'open (mini) hackathons' and
several 'open think tanks'.
What is that?
- 'Open' means you can participate if you like, regardless of your
backgrounds. We will dynamically adjust to the participating
- 'Hackathon' is a coming together to get to one or more new ideas,
find a solution to a problem, or/and event implement it. A hackathon
normally has the goal of creating a somehow functioning result. Here
this would depend on the background of the participants, so that a
result for us could be something technical, but as well could be
ideas or other abstract things.
Hackathons are planned to begin every day at noon (12:00), but can be moved to 17:00 depending on the feedback before the event.
However by request it is possible to begin (or join) later, or
otherwise move dates, times, length.
- 'Open think tank' here is a coming together to deeper reflect on
the specific topics and concepts. There will be a short introduction
to the topic (from project knowledge), from there it will be an open
The open think tanks will take place from 19-21 (on three or four
days, see below).
Theme days:
Communication: How can we technically
communicate with animals (or animals with each other, particularly
remote)? How can machines technically communicate with animals or
its 'parts'? How can we communicate with animals from the aspect of
communication itself (not the technical level)?
Hacking the animal: Hacking animals is happening
on all fronts. Not only since CRISPR practically invites everybody
to experiment with DNA. Adding sensors and senses to the animal is
one way to the new cyborg world, completely replacing an animal in a
competition against devices or robots, another.
Artificial Intelligence: The latest buzz – AI is
projected to revolutionize the human world. What it means, and what
does it mean for animals?
Data Science: 'Data is the oil of the early 21st
century'. What does it mean for animals?
Virtual reality: Our world is virtualized more
and more. Will this be transferred to the world of animals?
Your topic: There is space left to go to an all
different direction!
Please contact us if you intend to come:

Dates and topics will be adjusted to the needs of attendants! So, if
interested but the time does not fit, tell us, too.
It is still possible to attend without registering. However,
registering helps to plan, prepare, adjust dates and times and
communicate to you about it.
It is an experimental and dynamic event!
So, if not registered, please check on the website again for
possible changes to the agenda!
suggested timetable:
Feb 19 (Tu)
installation, pre-talks, open forum
Feb 20 (We)
installation, pre-talks, open forum
19:00 The Internet Of Animals
Workshop. Introduction to the research project.
Feb 21 (Th)
open forum
19:00 Opening event of the art exhibition
Feb 22 (Fr) animal communication
12:00/17:00 open hackathon
Arduinos? Sensors? APIs to AI? There are a lot of tools that already
exist. That might make it possible to build something
out of the box to technically communicate with animals or realize
communication between them. Existing ideas for a dog communication
device could be the starting point if requested.
19:00 open think tank
How dogs can give each other orgasms over distance nowadays.
We will learn a bit about some of the research that is actually
taking place. Then we can go into any direction. Like discuss
motivations, understand dynamics, develop ideas. Not only for dogs.
Feb 23 (Sa) Hacking the animal
12:00 open hackathon
The hacked animal: Additional 'senses', devices, sensors. What ideas
do we have, what do we expect interest groups to develop? What can
be implemented even easily?
(no IOA evening program, Mutuo event instead, exhibition is open)
Feb 24/25 (Su/Mo)
a visit to the zoo maybe?
Feb 26 (Tu) Artificial intelligence and animals
12:00/17:00 open hackathon
Can we improve the life of animals with (data and) AI?
19:00 open think tank
After a quick intro what AI is and what it could mean to animals.
Then we will explore from there. Developing new ideas, trying to
identify new paradigms, or discussing ethical or philosophical
questions. Depending on who is attending: We might even turn to the
meta-level of concepts like 'artificial' and 'intelligence'. Do they
inhibit our imagination and understanding of what is possible and
what is already happening?
Feb 27 (We) Data science and animals
12:00 open hackathon
The value of data is huge in the animal world, too. Be it for profit
or to help animals, data can be used. What is possible and can we
realize some with accessible data?
(no IOA evening program, Mutuo event instead, exhibition is open)
Feb 28 (Th) Virtual reality and animals
12:00/17:00 open hackathon
Virtualization for animals: How can it make sense and how can it be
19:00 open think tank
Can we be artificially happy?
AI, data science, virtual reality.
Will there be artificially happy animals?
The workshop introduces to the topic of virtual reality at the
example of the Wifi-chicken that lives its entire life in virtual
reality while being in a bad factory farming situation.
Mar 1 (Fr) Virtual reality and animals
12:00/17:00 open hackathon
19:00 open topic
Mar 2 (Sa)
12:00 meet Ngoi Matsembe, the worlds first BITCOIN GENERATING SHEEP
Now what will happen when we start this...?
19:00 finishing
Feb 19 - Mar 2 (Tu-Sa)
Self-fulfilling prophecies
we will collect self-fulfilling prophecies with the visitors of the
exhibition and attendees of the events and figure out to understand
what they mean in the context of the Internet of Animals.
Added to the exhibition continuously.